
Cat Bird Coyote :: 2015Dresden

Film made for Amy Raasch's The Animal Monolgues, Cat Bird Coyote revolves around a cat, a bird, and a coyote, and their escape into the wild with hunt-or-be-hunted struggle for survival.

Dresden :: 2013Dresden

Official music video for Cliff Hines' 'Dresden'. The peaceable and artistic city of Dresden, Germany is bombed relentlessly with little reason given other than to stop the train lines for military purposes. The abilities of hands are observed -- to be creative and caring, or simply press a button that causes massive destruction. The regret of abolishing a beautiful city is realized, and history is erased.

Can We Be Happy Now :: 2012CanWeBeHappyNow

A man in a grey, drab world is awakened to the beauty and happiness of the real world around him, as the spirits of nature take him on an adventure.
Nominated for a Student Annie Award!

Once Upon a Line :: 2012OnceUponALine

Through paint motifs, a cat chases a mouse... a clever one at that.

Dead Man's Ball invitation :: 2011DeadMansBall

Boarded, designed and animated for LACMA, the Dead Man's Ball invitation takes you into the world of the dead... What a party! The MUSE Costume Ball 2011 marked the close of the Tim Burton exhibit, which this film drew inspiration from.

Unlocked :: 2011Unlocked

A spirit key is hatched-- a rare phenomenon, helping heal and uplift the key people... With the exception of one boy who misuses its power.
Animation by Tahnee Gehm. Music by Andy Studer. Sound design by Dimitri Diakopoulos.

Fear of Short Men Intro :: 2011Unlocked

Created for Alter Ego, the fifth and final episode in Amy Tofte's series, Fear of Short Men. The players interacted with this intro by jumping out from behind and gesturing at their on-screen selves. Performed May 6th and 7th, 2011 at the CalArts Coffeehouse Theatre!
Watch the live version.

The Wild Wagoner :: 2010The Wild Wagoner

Opening with a synesthetic interpretation of Jilson Setters' The Wild Wagoner, join Jilson, a blind violinist, on a wild mountain adventure.
Made for collaboration with the Re-Envisioning America show at CalArts, 2010!
Animation by Tahnee Gehm. Music by Jilson Setters.

Who Do Voodoo :: 2010Who Do Voodoo

Olivia's life takes an unexpected twist when a voodoo king fixes her back problem. Little does she expect her obnoxious dog to ruin her big performance-- for the best.
Animation by Tahnee Gehm. Music written by Will Norman. Olivia voiced by Alejandra Bursik-Cervantes.


VALUE BLiND is a visual metaphor for how people should be more open-minded. It consists of two characters that get in a paint fight, which results in an eye-opening for the closed-minded Painter.

How to See in 3D :: 2012

Gabby returns, this time in glorious THWEEDEE! Get out your stereoscopic red-blue glasses, folks, and dodge the traffic cones. For the CalArts 48-hour film fest 2012!

The History of Cacti :: 2011

As per tradition, Gabby educates the minds of viewers about the history of cacti for CalArts' annual 48-hour-lockdown.

The Evolution of a Coat Hanger :: 2010

Gabby explains the evolution of coat hangers, starting with a wrongly-kerchunked staple. CalArts 48-hour Film Fest, 2010

Pineapple City and the Curious Contraption :: 2010

With the powers of teamwork, the Curious Contraption saves the day for the little orange inhabitants of Pineapple City!

How the Stars Happened :: 2009

Professor Gabby explains one of the simple mysteries of life! My entry for CalArts' Character 48-hour lockdown 2009.

The Hair Growth Stages in a Male :: 2008

Gabby explains the mystery behind long-haired teens and bald old men. Gravity's to blame! My CalArts Character 48-hour lockdown film, 2008

Butterflight :: 2008

My first pencil test long enough to consider a film, which is about me as a child.